Monday, July 28, 2008

Scavenger Hunt . . .

This morning (after my bird fiasco) I headed out on a mission. Hubby leaves for Germany this Saturday where he will be on business for three weeks. He is staying in an industrial town called Stuttgart which is in the southern part of Germany. He will be traveling with his boss and a machine maintenance guy that also works at Leupold. His counterpart (Joe) in Germany who he speaks to frequently via email has sent Dale a list of things that he has asked him to bring back that they don't have where he lives. Since I needed to shop and pick up a few things for his trip anyway I told him give me the items and I would look for them.

So here is what was on the list: Gold Toe Socks, Wild Cherry M&M's, mini M&M's, premium M&M's, Advil for Migraines, Advil for Headaches, Blistex (5pk), Levi's (2pr) relaxed fit, Sneaker Balls.

List doesn't look too complicated, lots of random stuff, doesn't appear to be anything that difficult to find. Can probably pick up all these items at Freddy's right? NOT, I had to go to: Walgreens (2 different stores) , Fred Meyer, Target, Hank's Thriftway, WINCO and Safeway to complete this list? arrghhh . . I learned some things today. I had absolutely no idea there was such a thing as Advil Migraine gel tabs (only had to go to 3 stores until I found it). M&M's makes limited edition flavors hence the flavor Wild Cherry (yuk), I guess they are good in cookies (the lady at the store said), You cannot buy mini M&M's in a bag when it's not the holiday season . . period . . Who knew there was such a thing as premium M&M's?? well, there are. When buying Gold Toe Socks you need to know more information than the brand name, you need dress socks, white socks, black socks, low top, high top, crew, athletic socks?. . .so many questions?? So he's getting black thick socks, hope he likes them. Well, one vacation day down, 4 more to go.

What's that noise? . . ,

I'm on vacation this week, so I slept in a bit this morning . . . oh .. til 8:00am or so which is late for me. I wandered into the kitchen made some coffee, grabbed the newspaper that hubby had so nicely laid on the counter for me and I plop down in the living room to see what's new in the world. That's when it happened . . .this noise from the other room . . .what is that? It's kind of loud, is somebody trying to get into the house from the garage?? what is going on?? So being brave (stupid) as I am I slowly sneak around the corner and into the opening to the kitchen. Huh . . . now I don't hear it? I just stand there and wait . . .oh geez . . . there it is again . . it sounds like it's coming from the vent over the stove . . .I walk up to it . . nothing . . Then suddenly . . BAM, BAM, BAM . .I hear a banging from the inside of our glass fireplace doors. OH GEEZZZ . . .what could that be?? Did a something go down into the chimney and get stuck in the fireplace?? What could it be?? Worse yet . . could it be a BAT?? OH MY GAWD NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I tippeetoe over to the front of the fireplace glass to peer inside . . . I see nothing . . it's too dark in there. I am not opening the doors because whatever it is could jump/fly out. Now what to do?? I get a flashlight and through the glass start looking into the fireplace. Well whatever it is will be getting very ashy since we haven't cleaned the soot out recently and there is a pile in there. I navigate the flashlight to look at all the corners of the fireplace when I spot it!!!!!!!!!! a baby bird that looks scared to death hanging on for it's life onto the brick mortar inside the wall of the fireplace. Poor thing. It just looks at me with this "Oh shit" look in it's eyes. Well, I can't wait until Dale gets home it could be dead by then, so I will have to come to the rescue. I grab a kitchen towel, slowly open one side of the glass doors, keeping the flash light in it's eyes to sort of blind it from seeing that I am working my arm up behind him to SNATCH . . I have him!! Oh crap!! he's flailing . . .oh no!! I've lost him . . he's crashing around in the ashes . . oh no he's heading for the glass door my arm is through . . !!! yikes here he comes!! He's out...he's gotten out...he's flying around my family room!!! OH NO!!! He heads straight for the patio door, just like the commercial I guess, my windows are so clean haha!! So I take the towel and again coming up from behind him make a grab . . . . .this time I am successful!!! His little head and tiny eyes are looking out of the towel staring straight at me. Of course I have to talk to him, "What were you thinking?? flying down our chimney?? Where is your mother??" We take a little walk out to the backyard (making sure our cat is not around) and I slowly open the towel and he flies off into the trees. Hopefully he doesn't contract black lung disease or some other gawd awful thing from his little roll in the fireplace soot. I can say . . . I feel like a hero today.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Let's go camping!. . . .

Headed over to Garibaldi Saturday for a night under the stars. The grandson's got to experience their first campout together. They were really good, Lucas sleeping in the VW bus with mom and daddy and Brayden in the tent with his mom and dad. This trip was a last minute getaway for us, but glad we had no plans so we could tag along, it was alot of fun. A bonus was it ended up being the weekend of "Garibaldi Days" woohoo!! with a craft fair, blue grass bands, crab feasts everywhere and lots of bigtime fireworks (that we couldn't see too well because the fog was creeping into the bay). Might have to go back again next year! We missed you Uncle Andy!!

Ssssssshhhhhh . . . . Grama don't tell . . . I'm suppose to be sleeping

Lucas coming to say Good Morning! to Brayden

Friday, July 25, 2008

Tequila tour . . .

Something we did when we were in Mexico was to go on a tour of a Blue Agave plantation and Tequila distillery. Yes, yes, we ultimately went because we knew there would be samples in the end, ha . . so now we have that out of the way! It was actually really interesting to see it from plant to bottle. We first stopped at the plantation where workers were harvesting the agave plants that are used to make Tequila. It was HELL hot outside and these guys were busting their butts cutting these plants down, no fancy water bottles, no breaks and not much shade at all. No wonder they want to cross the border and find better jobs. Our farm field workers have it way easy compared to these guys. It takes 4 of these plants to produce 1 fifth of Tequila.

After the plant is cooked down, the juice is drained into the tanks for the distilling process. Hubby got to have a sample directly from the tank. At this point the tequila is only at 25% alcohol content, he said it tasted pretty strong (not smooth). Then after that process it is moved to tanks for aging, where the alcohol content increases and the smoothness of the tequila comes through.

The reason Blue Agave tequila is so smooth is there are no additives. The additives (sugars, etc) are what cause your basic awful hangover, headaches, etc. SO, if I learned anything on this "educational" trip it is Jose Cuervo is crap, and only buy Blue Agave tequila, drink it straight and you'll be just fine . ha! We brought home a fifth and said it will be opened for a special occasion . . now hubby asks me frequently "Can we have a special occasion now so we can crack the tequila?". . "No, not yet", I say, but the day will come ;), then look out!

Funny cards . . .

I love wandering through Hallmark and looking at cards. There are some really clever artists and writers that come up the designs and phrases that are on cards. It's kind of pathetic that while I'm reading some cards I will get all teary eyed and have to compose myself before I can go to the counter to pay. I'm happy to report I am usually standing next to some other lady that is doing the same thing. Now you can buy cards that play music or send recorded messages, who would have thought?! One of my favorite characters on cards these days is Maxine. Whoever came up with this ole gal really has a great sense of humor.
Here are some favorite Maxineisms . .
1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
9.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
10...Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
11.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
13.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
16.. Being 'over the hill' is much better than being under it!
17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
18.. Procrastinate Now!
19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
23.. They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
24.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD
25.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
26.. Ham and eggs...A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
27.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.
29.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Listen up . . .

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A day at the ballpark . . . .

How exciting it is for kids to get autographs on game day. . . Seattle Mariners pitcher Brandon Morrow was more than happy to sign . . actually arriving a bit late to batting practice because of it. Ichiro had a really bad day . . he couldn't hit a thing and even missed catching a ball in rightfield . . I wouldn't have been very happy if I was his boss and I'm paying him a contract of 17 million! yikes. There is nothing like being at a ball park though on a 78 degree day . . the poor standings of the Mariners had no impact on the attendance Saturday, it was a full house.

I do have to say though to make sure when you attend a ballgame to make a major withdrawl from an ATM machine prior to entering . . yikes . . hot dogs $6.50, beer $7.50 (of course you can't have just one), we brought our own peanuts and seeds in so that was a savings. It just made us more thirsty for more beers . . arrghhhh!! I had to have the famous Garlic Fries of course . . that set me back another $4.50. It was a GREAT day at the ball park! Final Score Cleveland Indians 9 Seattle Mariners 6.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Can't do it . . Nope just can't do it . . .

I took this picture flying home from Mexico trying to capture the background, but after I looked at it all I could think of was the old episode of the "Twilight Zone" that has always freaked me out!!. . . about sitting next to the window over the wing. To this day I will NOT sit in that seat (I leaned over Dale to take the picture), especially at night!!! NO WAY. Here is part one of that episode, "Nightmare at 20,000 feet", yes, it's hokey, but it's still scary!!! (although William Shatner is very handsome in it) . . . Sorry I can't even watch the whole series of three . . .

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Off to see Ichiro . . .

This Saturday to Seattle's Safeco Field to see the Mariners vs. Indians. Good thing they fired this guy last month, he's kind of negative don't you think! haha! He's got to be related to Mike Ditka somehow!! Doesn't he know it's all about the hotdogs, garlic fries & beer anyway!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Andy!!!!

No matter how old you get to be . . . you will always be the baby!!!
Lovin you!!!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When did I become a list maker? . . .

to do listIt's bad. I cannot function without a list. I never use to be this way. I use to just do things, get things, make appts. buy things when I needed to. Now I have to make a list. If it's not on the list it doesn't get done, it's not necessary and it's forgotten. Now when I think about things during the day that need to be done my first thought is "I need to get that on the list". . . .why do I do that now? or I will forget that's why. Yes, I do have to admit, I never use to forget as many things in my younger days than I do now. It sucks. It's normal to forget things as you age (it says so on the internet under "normal forgetting symptoms" . .haha). It's only when you forget where you are driving to (oops, done that before), find yourself somewhere and don't remember the drive getting there (uh . .oh . .) and you quit recognizing people (not yet), that you need to worry about the big "A" word. So I feel better now knowing I'm not headed in that direction, I don't think anyway! Now, if I could just find my damn list so I could put something on it before I forget . . .arrghhhh!

Sky behind the cabin . . .

Made a quick trip over to Lake Billy Chinook to pickup some tools and things we needed back at home. It was beautiful down by the lake on Monday afternoon, then the clouds moved in and we were treated to a colorful sky show (no thunder or lightning, thank goodness).

Picture can't completely capture the panoramic view, but here is a piece of it. . .

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy early BDay BBQ . . .

Andy's birthday is Weds, he'll be 22. Yikes! To celebrate he invited the family to his house in Monmouth for a BBQ. Since he has been such a workaholic this summer we haven't seen much of him, but he did manage to take one day off this week so we could get together. He manned the grill while we visited under the pop-up canopy shade (thank goodness it was there!). It reached a sweltering 99 degrees today and by the time we left this afternoon the babies and the grannies were melting (me included!). It was fun to have Amanda (Brian's daughter) here with us, she was able to visit with the boys and see the new grandsons, which she says and I quote are "very cute" ;). Hopefully, we can get together a couple more times before she heads back to school for fall in Hawaii. Andy was happy with his bday gifts: gift certificate to Les Schwab for some new tires on his VW squareback, cash (always good), inappropriate tshirt from his brother. . of course!, and we got him an air conditioner for his attic bedroom at the house that reached about 150 degrees today I think. I'm sure that will get put to good use during this hot weather anyway. Lucas got to meet cousin Nick's new puppy Butters, who enjoyed smothering him in kisses a little more than Lucas wanted him to.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Looking at old stuff . . .

There is a big Antique & Collectible Show that comes to Portland's Expo Center each year that I like to make it to. It's the one put on by PalmerWirfs usually held every summer. I will definately need my walking shoes though because they have antiques that fill 2 huge convention buildings plus the upper parking lot outside has many tables/displays with vendors too. There are antique appraisers there who can look at items you bring in and provide you with the value a collector would pay. I'm thinking about taking a couple things in this year, haven't ever done that before. The key is to go early, go on Sunday ($2.00 discount on admission), start at the building on the far end and work your way towards the front doors (not as crowded that way). Some people never make it to the back building because of the walk, but I have found those vendors are more negotiable on their prices because they get fewer customers that make it that far. I think it's fun to look at all the old stuff. Some years I will go and not get anything, I really enjoy just looking at what they have. A friend of mine that I paint with complains when I drag everybody to the antique mall when we are at the beach, she says, "Why do you come here? It smells like dead people in these places!, it creeps me out!" That's my friend! I have a couple of pieces of furniture that belonged to my grandparents and I really enjoy them. Some things I like to hunt down at antique shows are unique pieces of furniture (running out of room for them though), folk art paintings or prints, toys from the past, spice tins (of course!), and just anything that catches my eye and reminds me of something. I'm not really into all the old jewelry, glassware, dishes but they always have alot of that stuff and I have some friends who collect different pieces. Here are a couple of finds I have made at this show, I will see what Sunday brings.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nice of former Beav . . .

Always great to hear about former OSU players that have made it good. Anderson's willingness to host a football camp in Scappoose is worth a read, hometown boy nice he pays it forward!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Now that was kinda scary . .

Some days when I come home and tell my husband about something that has happened at school, he looks at me and says, "I think you would be safer if you worked in a prison". Our high school is like a city in many ways really with a population of 1895 people. You have your communities of individuals (Goth, hicks, jocks, skaters, Latino, drama, kids in the middle, Valedictorians, low income, high income, etc. etc.), you have your mayor (the principal), you have a police officer, a nurse, a community center (gyms/fields), you have the "normal" kids (whatever that is) and you have kids with mental health issues. With 1895 students you get some kids that have some real serious problems. A couple of weeks ago we received an email from the principal letting the summer staff know (there are only about 9 of us) that a student had made a serious threat to a counselor about their desire to confront and hold a high school staff member hostage. We were told if this student entered the building to immediately dial 911, that the police had been notified and to keep our doors locked while in the building (which we never have to do in the summer). This particular student lives within walking distance of the high school and apparently watches for a particular staff members car (no it's not me) to enter the parking lot. Well Monday it happened, the student entered the building (front doors were open for the summer school students to enter) and proceeded upstairs to pound on the particular staff members door that she wanted to see. This staff member did not open the door and the student proceeded to plop down in front of the door. When we were notified in the office that she was in the building we called 911 and let them know this student was on campus and to send an officer ASAP. It seemed to take along time, but it was only about 8 minutes and the police arrived. When the officers raced up the stairs to the room that she was sitting in front of the student had slashed both of her wrists severely, not an attention getter slash but an I want to die slash. Yes, blood everywhere it was horrible. The ambulance was called and the student was taken off someplace for treatment and hopefully admitted to some facility for a mental health evaluation. Due to confidentiality laws we don't know what happened. She had a knife, it was good sized, she could have used it on anyone but chose to use it on herself. Not very often do these kinds of incidences happen at school, but we do have some scary ones, I just don't bring them home usually like this one. Just like a city, not all the people that live there have their wits about them, I can only hope this girl gets the help she needs.

For my brother . . .

While in Mazatlan I spied this bar, I thought of my brother who is an avid Canucks hockey fan while I took the picture. I think the guy in the car in front of the bar may be setting up a drug deal though . . . bahaa!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Just right . . .

Here is a dessert that I brought to a 4th of July party. They are just right in size and you can garnish with many different choices. They are very easy to make and seemed to be a hit, so here's the recipe.

1 1/2 C. graham cracker crumbs
1/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. butter, melted
3 (8oz) packages of cream cheese, softened
1 (14oz) can Eagle Brand Sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated)
3 eggs
2 t. vanilla
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter; press equal portions onto bottoms of 24 lightly greased or paper-lined muffin cups.
In a large mixing bowl, cream cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs and vanilla; mix well. Spoon equal amounts of mixure (about 3 tablespoons) into prepared cups. Bake 20 minutes or until cakes spring back when lightly touched. Cool. Chill. Garnish as desired. Refrigerate leftovers. Makes 2 dozen mini cheescakes.
Suggested garnishes: strawberries, mint, kiwi, marachino cherries, mandarin orange slice, chocolate chips, etc.

Movie review . . .

We went to the new "Get Smart" movie. This movie is a remake of the old TV show that starred Don Adams as Maxwell Smart. I thought the movie was great! Fans of "The Office" will especially enjoy Steve Carrell as Maxwell Smart. He does a great job of re-creating the original character. The story line is good, lots of action and alot of old elements from the original TV show are brought into the movie. There is one particular scene that Steve Carrell has in an airplane restroom that is absolutely hilarious. Agent 99 played by Anne Hathaway (who is no Barbara Feldon) could have been cast better, but she does OK. In the TV series there was always a bit of sexual tension between Maxwell and Agent 99 but it was never acted upon, so hubby was a bit disappointed when in the movie Maxwell actually kisses 99, "That would have never happened on the TV show" he says. Gotta love the original theme song!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mall observations . . .

Walking through the mall today some things cannot go unnoticed . . . .
  • The strong perfume smell that drifts into the mall from the Victoria Secret store can cause an instant migraine headache.
  • If another 19 year old makeup specialist that looks like a Vogue model behind the counter at Macy's tries to tell a 51 year old (guess who) how to put on her makeup and moisturize I will punch them. How do you know how to take care of older skin? . . . hmmpfff . . .
  • There are more guys over 30 years old in the Lego store than kids.
  • Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, Cricket, AT&T will all attack you at the mall from their kiosks, you will have no excuse to not have a cell phone purchased and contract signed by the time you leave the mall (flashbacks to the time share salesmen!).
  • 90% of all the people at the mall are wearing flip flops, I swear!. . where are the shoes?
  • It's apparently a requirement that to work at Hot Topic you must have a minimum of 5 piercings and 3 tattoos.
  • You can NEVER find a size Large Cubs Tshirt at any of the sports apparel specialty stores.
  • Nowhere do I get called, "Mam" more than at the mall . . .arrghhh talk about feeling old.
  • The comfy couch areas that run down the center of the mall are occupied by 95% males over 40 years old and 5% by mothers breastfeeding. PS. 10% of those males are in a deep catatonic sleep.
  • The best sale items are always in the back of the store, 75% off, 50% off clearance prices, you just have to hunt sometimes to find where they are.
  • Strollers are much more "mall" accommodating these days, they have cup holders, places to put your bags, big wheels for easier pushing, extra seats for other kids, some designer actually listened to some shopping moms that's great!
  • I always feel happier after I walk through the Disney store, even if I don't buy anything, it's gotta be the music.
  • Why don't they put the GAP, Baby GAP and JR. GAP all in one store? Why do they make 3 separate stores, makes no sense . .
  • I don't care how tacky it is, Spencer's Gifts is still the funnest store to walk through in the mall.
  • Required to buy a Jamba Juice and people watch for awhile.
  • "NO lady! you can't straighten my hair with your fantastic new professional flat iron that you want to sell me!"
  • The Jelly Belly store has the BEST black licorice jelly beans in the world.
  • Why does Macy's only have one person working at the jewelry counter, so I can't pay for the cheap hoop earrings I want to buy, because the salesperson is helping the person shopping for diamonds . . .arrrghhhh!!
  • You can never buy too many purses, it's a fact actually.
  • No place do my legs cramp and feet hurt more than after I've been to the mall, time to go home until next time.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Have a great trip! . . .

Dropped Chad, Nic and Lucas off at the airport for their big family trip to Hawaii for eight days. They are meeting up with Nicole's family in Oahu where her Dad has rented a big house right on the beach. There will be about 14 of them there for the week, so fun!! Her Dad just retired this past year as the fire chief for the City of Phoenix, he has some connections to the Oahu fire department and some of the fire fighters there are coming to the house one evening to put on a luau for them . . how cool is that!! They have also been instructed by Dad and stepmom to be prepared with a skit for the family talent show. They are performing before all the family members and will be judged on their act, so they have been practicing that for the last week. It's hilarious from what I have heard I'm excited to see the video when they get back. They have been preparing for this trip thinking of things to occupy Lucas while he is on the plane for 5 hours. You can only dope up a kid with so much Benadryl before it's considered an overdose I think?? They had lots of things to try and occupy him with, so I am anxious to here how their flight was, because you know you have to do it all over again the way back home. As I was dropping them off and they were unloading at the curbside check in, how quickly you forget how many accessories come with having a little one. They checked his carseat, stroller, and playyard, plus their own 2 checked bags and carryons. Glad those days of hauling all that stuff are over for us!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It better be worth it . . .

The Cable GuyTypically on the 4th of July holiday we head over to Lake Billy Chinook for the long weekend. This year we've decided to stay close to home. Lots of reasons, gas prices for one, plus we just got back from our big trip and kind of just want to hang out here and do stuff. So since we decided to stick around we finally made the decision that all households are in turmoil about these days . . . . complete and utter turmoil! Do we bundle our internet, phone and cable services with Verizon or Comcast? ha! That's right! Yes, after receiving pounds of junk mail for at least the last couple of years or so from both Verizon and Comcast offering specials, deals, breaks, extra services, free stuff, we have chosen . . . . . . . . . drumroll please. . . . . . . . to bundle everything with Verizon. On July 3rd they (the cable guys) come to the house to run the fiber optic line from the phone box that's in one corner of our front yard, to the opposite side of our house. Our frontyard now has more colored spray paint lines on it than a football field, showing them where they need to cut/drill through the flowerbed and under the concrete to make way for the fiber optic cable. They promise they will drill under the concrete and do minimal disturbance of our shrubs/flowers. We have used Verizon for our phone service (local calls only) and our high speed internet. Comcast has been our cable TV provider. After reviewing all the pricing information Verizon seemed to have the best deal for what we want and Verizon FIOS has been highly received as the best quality fiber optic for HDTV viewing. They are also going to throw in an HD/DVR so that's a nice perk. Now finally we will have unlimited long distance, we never had any long distance before (only on our cell phones, yikes spendy!), so that will be better. Hubby is going to be home on installation day, the installers will have to put up with his hovering to see how much of his yard they will be destroying (I mean digging up). I think really he just doesn't trust me at home with the cable guys . . now why is that?? All we can hope for now is that all that junk mail and sales calls will stop . . . but I doubt it.