Sunday, August 26, 2007

I just want shampoo . .

The shampoo business is a scam...period. When walking down the shampoo & conditioner aisle at the local store I began to hyperventilate. Why you ask?...this is why....well you have your shampoo for oily hair, fine hair, colored or treated hair, frizzy hair, dry hair, normal hair (tell me what is normal hair?), hair with dandruff, shampoo with conditioner, shampoo without conditioner, shampoo that costs $1.25/bottle and shampoo that costs $7.50/bottle, gentle shampoo to use daily, does that mean other shampoo is not so gentle...Who is the person that says, "Oh no..this shampoo is way to rough, it cannot be classified as gentle." What happens when you have a combination of the above "hair" issues (ie. fine hair that is color treated)? you buy multiple bottles of! of course pick your most dominant hair problem ..right?? Why does it have to be so difficult?? Why is it that when I buy the same size bottles of shampoo and conditioner...I always run out of conditioner first?? Why do they tell me on the bottle that "this product was not tested on any animals" Am I suppose to feel good about that?? So you are telling me that it's OK for us to use but not animals??...I don't get it. I think Mr. Prell, Ms. Pert, The Pantene Family, the Johnson and Johnson's along with the L'Oreal's should get together at the Herbal Essence retreat center and hash this out. All I can say is that I am very happy the shampoo aisle is directly across the from the extra-strength Tylenol counter, because I am gonna need a bottle . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhh should shop here. You ain't NEVER seen a store with shampoo and conditioner until you walk into any of our grocery stores.