Tomorrow's the big day...the day kids go on a sugar overload! I am guilty ..I take candy into school on Halloween and have it on my desk for the kids to stop by and pickup. The only rule is they have to say "Trick or Treat". I feel bad for high school kids, they get a bad rap on this holiday. They are so excited when they come in the office and are like "WOW, Ms. C you have candy!!, Can I have some?"... "Sure, you can have one, after you say trick or treat"..."TRICK OR TREAT!" they grab one and off they go. You see in their eyes they are like little kids again and not the older ones that don't get to go out anymore.
The secretaries in our building usually dress up every year. Some years we all coordinate so we look alike, other years we are on our own, that's this year . So I have decided this year I am dressing like a hunter. Since hubby just got home all of his stuff is laying around, so I am going to put it to use for another day. OF guns on campus, no knives, no bow/arrow, no good stuff that hunters use. SO what's a hunter to do?? I will just get all suited up, have my bright vest on, my fanny pack, binoculars, holster, elk call, it's all good. I should look real good next to my boss who is going to dress like Sponge Bob don't you think?? haha!! Happy Halloween! ps. I got my halloween board done too!