Friday, July 11, 2008

Looking at old stuff . . .

There is a big Antique & Collectible Show that comes to Portland's Expo Center each year that I like to make it to. It's the one put on by PalmerWirfs usually held every summer. I will definately need my walking shoes though because they have antiques that fill 2 huge convention buildings plus the upper parking lot outside has many tables/displays with vendors too. There are antique appraisers there who can look at items you bring in and provide you with the value a collector would pay. I'm thinking about taking a couple things in this year, haven't ever done that before. The key is to go early, go on Sunday ($2.00 discount on admission), start at the building on the far end and work your way towards the front doors (not as crowded that way). Some people never make it to the back building because of the walk, but I have found those vendors are more negotiable on their prices because they get fewer customers that make it that far. I think it's fun to look at all the old stuff. Some years I will go and not get anything, I really enjoy just looking at what they have. A friend of mine that I paint with complains when I drag everybody to the antique mall when we are at the beach, she says, "Why do you come here? It smells like dead people in these places!, it creeps me out!" That's my friend! I have a couple of pieces of furniture that belonged to my grandparents and I really enjoy them. Some things I like to hunt down at antique shows are unique pieces of furniture (running out of room for them though), folk art paintings or prints, toys from the past, spice tins (of course!), and just anything that catches my eye and reminds me of something. I'm not really into all the old jewelry, glassware, dishes but they always have alot of that stuff and I have some friends who collect different pieces. Here are a couple of finds I have made at this show, I will see what Sunday brings.

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