Friday, June 29, 2007

Oregon BeerFactoids . . .

  • Oregon is the only state in the union that has officially declared it's local appreciation for craft beer with a Craft Beer month (July).

  • The second largest producer of craft beer in the USA is Oregon. 80 breweries in the state 29 in Portland alone.

  • Oregon's beer production grew at a rate of 16% in 2006, employing over 4500 workers.

  • 11% of all beer consumed in Oregon is produced here.

  • Oregon ranks 2nd in hop production in America.

  • Hops rank 24th in commodities, with a value of $20.7 million.

Now the good part . . . health benefits

  • A growing amount of medical research is pointing to craft beers as the most nutritious of all alcoholic drinks.

  • Moderate alcohol consumption (ie. one daily women, 2 daily men) have positive effects on heart health, cholesterol levels, memory loss and dementia (thank gawd!).

  • Oregon State University researchers have discovered that hops have been found to inhibit prostate, breast and colon cancers, as well as bringing relief to women during menopause (ALLELUIA!)...

  • Better news . . . dieters have typically turned to wine instead of beer thinking it is lower in calories, but per ounce beer is actually lower in calories than either wine or distilled spirits...(hmmmm...then why don't people get Margarita bellies?)
To celebrate the month here is a recipe I am sharing that was published by Patrick Mullen - Widmer executive chef...Bon Appetit !

Widmer Beer and Cheese Soup

Ingredients: 1 bottle Widmer Broken Halo beer, 1qt +1cup chicken stock, 1qt +1c. half & half, 6oz. whole butter, 6oz all purpose flower, 1 small white onion, finely chopped, 3 stocks celery stock, finely chopped, 1 1/2 lb grated Tillamook extra sharp cheddar cheese (plus another cup for garnish) 1t. freshly ground pepper, salt to taste.

Heat butter, onion and celery in large saucepot at medium heat until onions are translucent. Add flour and stir until completely blended. Set aside, in a separate pot, bring beer and stock to a boil. Bring celery, onion and butter back to medium heat. Using a fine wire whisk, slowly whisk in heated stock and beer until any lumps disappear. Turn to a low simmer then stir in cheese and half and half until smooth. Lower heat to simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pepper, then salt to taste if needed. Strain the soup for a smoother texture, then garnish with more cheddar cheese and chopped scallions or chives. Yields 1 gallon. lots of soup!

Sites to visit during Oregon Craft Beer month.....enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing out a new proxy software that allows me to actually see and comment on your blog...right through the great firewall of chiner.