Time to start planning . . .
This year is our year....for the Super Bowl Party. Every year a group of us get together to watch the game. It's back at our place! To me Super Bowl is more about the food than the game (especially since Joe Montana retired! I mean really football just has gone downhill since then!!!), I am starting my list. What goes on the menu this year? Everybody who comes is bringing something, so that's a nice "surprise" element to the menu. I'm thinking the main course will be: Sub sandwiches, Sloppy Joes, Pork & Green Chili Enchiladas. Then there are the sides, coleslaw, beans, salads lots of salads!, Brownies with frosting, cookies (hmmmm....cookies!), chips & dips, lots of munchies and did I mention we will probably have a little bit to drink :) ! It's a bummer that the game is on at 6PM on a Sunday night, we will all be very adult like I'm thinking since everybody has to rise for work on Monday morning . . OR NOT! So this week it's to Costco & WINCO for groceries, Party City for decorations, some cleaning & vacuuming to get ready for the gang! Dale and I will be cheering on our son's team I'm sure, the New York Giants. He has been a fan of theirs since Lawrence Taylor played for them years ago. Sorry Alia, but the Pats are going down!! Mmmmm.....I can taste the little smokies already!!
I don't see any Asian food on the list.
I'll be thinking of you from the beaches of Thailand...
Thank God for that!! Don't need anything with cat or dog in it!! Just beef and cheese!!! Go Giants!!
No way!!! Go New England!!! I have a feeling I will be the only Pats fan for miles on Sunday haha. -Alia
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