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Upon the suggestion by many individuals in October I went for a flu shot. I haven't ever gotten a flu shot because I never (rarely) get the flu. Good hearted friends and family nicely mentioned, "Well, you know you are over 50 now and you really should start getting regular flu shots". So ok, I listened and got one. So where have I been the last 3 days? On the couch with the flu, the worst flu I have ever had, started Sunday night, chills, fever, headache...I wasn't even able to enjoy the "schedule" day off for the President's day holiday with balmy temperatures of 60 degrees and sunshine outside. No!...I was bundled on the couch with my sweats on, shivering, under a comforter with box of Kleenex, and a tall glass of orange juice by my side all day. Sleeping off and on, taking Tylenol (well that didn't work), then taking Advil (well that doesn't work either), then taking Nyquil (well that knocked me out) only to awake with a splitting headache and nose dripping like Multnomah Falls in the spring. I have reached day 3 and I am starting to feel a bit better, I couldn't sleep at all last night since I had slept most of the day. I found myself in front of the television at 2:30am watching and old Clark Gable movie until about 4:00, tried to go to sleep but it wasn't' going to happen. So to all my "supposed" friends who told me to get a flu shot...THANKS ALOT! worked really great...I will make sure to be the first in line at the pharmacy for my next flu shot....NOT!
I got my flu shot...I'm doing OK!
You know they say when you get too old, they don't recommend the flu shot anymore. Maybe that's your problem?
I would be careful to not say you are doing OK....that is when it strikes.
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