Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reading frenzy . . .

I am soooo behind !!!. . . I have a mound of books 3ft. tall, 2 stacks wide next to my bedstand that have to be read! Why? because they are there and I wanted them and now they need to be read. I am stressing about it, just seeing them there. Now reading is suppose to be relaxing, right?, it's now causing stress...yikes! I have a couple of girlfriends & my mom that pass books around, them to me and me to them. Plus, I can't pass up a book sale if they are selling paperbacks for 25 cents, no way! But why is it that they read so fast and I barely get through a book before they have more for me already??? Sucks, wish I had more time to read, but then I would be considered completely antisocial. When I do finally take the time, get comfortable, start reading I hear this, "Oh, so now you are going to read, great, real nice visiting with you, no that's fine go ahead and read" . .aarrghhhh :). So I'm working on my stack, it is gathering a bit of dust, but I just wipe it off. They aren't going anywhere and the story will remain the same. Here is the latest I have opened up, pretty good so far!

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