Sunday, October 19, 2008

Voting Category . . white boomer women . . .

Yes, that's what some of us are called these days AND based on the article that appeared in today's Oregonian written by Associated Press reporters Trevor Tompson and Alan Fran, this is exactly who I am.

I quote - "White women ages 45 to 64 are one of this year's most hotly (I like the word hotly. . ha!) contested voting blocs, evenly divided between Barack Obama and John McCain, and wide open to be pulled either way, according to a recent Associated Press poll. One of every 6 voters in the 2004 election was a white woman in that age range. Many have balanced jobs and run households, and are often acutely aware of their families economic pressures because they write the checks, buy the groceries and fill the tank with gas. They are demanding that the presidential candidates show them concrete solutions to the financial crisis and other problems. Women of this generation "are a little more savvy" (I agree!). As a group, these women have not yet been swayed by either contender. A sizable 44% of them remain persuadable. A quote from Deborah Nance 56 of Wilmington, Del. "Go with the seasoned guy who might get in there and die the next day, or go with the young guy who you really don't know that much about." In the recent survey, more boomer women said Obama understands people like them than said so about McCain. On the other hand, more said McCain has the right experience to be president than said Obama did."

End of article . . . so true.

There are many things I agree with McCain on, AND there are many things I agree with Obama on. Can't we get the best of both candidates and create a new one?? Help! This is all giving me a big headache.


White Boomer Woman (1956)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In this years race, its less about the candidates (both prez and vp) as it is the people that surround them (the advisors and friends). It is there where you will see a dramatic difference and helps to make the decision a little easier.