Friday, July 27, 2007

Lunch with old friends . . .

Today I met some old friends/former coworkers for lunch..people I use to work with back when I worked at St. Vincent Hospital. During my 19 year tenure there, I never really thought that someday I would really miss them later. Ultimately, when you doesn't really matter what you's the people you work with that determine whether you have a great time on the job...or an unpleasant (I'll say it...shitty) time on the job. These particular individuals worked hard when I was there, and still do but all in different capacities. I was their supervisor or manager in some cases and it's nice to know that they think enough of me to get together occasionally. I can honestly say the hardest thing I have ever done in my life was when I left St. Vincent's. Going through the corporate reorganization of Providence Health System and trying to find my place in that new organization was the most stressful time I have ever experienced. I could write a book about the whole emotional rollercoaster actually. I know my family still doesn't know completely why I left the big salary (oh yeah, way bigger than the school district), prominent management position, perks, etc. I had with the health system. I know I disappointed them when I left. I think when you reach a point in your career when you are saying, "this is not something I am going to put up with anymore" and you find yourself saying it need to leave. I put up with egos (physician's..huge), arrogance, sexual harrassment (I can't begin to tell you), the late long hours, westside vs. eastside mentality, many miles of commuting, less experienced people being placed in jobs over more experienced people, it was absolutely horrible. I miss the work at times, I miss the old friends the most, but we still get together, and that's what counts....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah..mid-life crisis...that's what it was. Why don't you do like most people and go buy yourself a Porsche and shack up with some kid half your age??

Somebody wise once told me...'if you can't say something nice...' Uhh...err...I forget the rest of it.
