Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's my turn . . .

Once a year I host bunco. Yes, the game I have spoken of in previous blog entries. Tomorrow is my night to host. So yesterday I went to Costco to pickup munchies, beer and wine. I have learned long ago that when you host bunco on a work night, it doesn't pay to try and make things from scratch to impress your friends, it's too much work. Costco has it all, I picked up a vegetable tray, garlic hummus, seafood spread, crackers, salsa, grapes, quacamole, crackers, tortilla chips, cookies, mini quiches, and of course nuts & candies for the tables. There will be 12 of us so it will be a nice crowd. Something I always struggle with when having a group over is what kind of wine to buy. I am not a wine drinker, it usually gives me an instant headache, so I am not really a good judge of wines. I feel bad that I don't like wine, seems all my friends do. Living in the mecca of wineries I should be taking full advantage of all the "award" winning wines of the local area. But about the only kind I can choke down in Pinot Grigio, and then like I said not many glasses & instant headache. Alot of my friends like Merlot, I can't get that stuff past my nose...I have tried to drink it but YUK! It's awful. So since I don't know much about wine I go down the aisle and get the wine that has a cool looking label (good as reason as any), and is under $8.00/bottle. In my cart are 2 bottles of Merlot , 1 bottle of Pinot Grigio, 1 bottle of Riesling and 1 bottle of Shiraz (what is a Shiraz anyway?) Oh, well they will drink it! The gals that drink beer like either Coors Light, Corona w/lime or Hefeweisen w/lemon. I think I'm ready, let's roll the dice!

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