Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The battle of the blue tarp . . .

So we have this wood pile on the side of our house. During the spring we ordered a cord of wood and have it stacked nicely against the garage. My dear husband covers it with a big ugly (in my always correct opinion) blue tarp. "Why do you have to cover it with that?" I say, "What's wrong with the tarp?" he says, "It's UGLY, it's BLUE, can't you find something brown or green or some other color that doesn't look like redneck village?" "OH, geezzz..nobody can see it, it doesn't matter" . . "Yes, people can see it when they drive by", "No, they can't" "Yes, they can" "Well, get over it because it's staying" "FINE, just FINE . . whatever!!" Well, maybe people driving by can't see it but NOW I have proof it can be seen!! Only by all the people in the entire universe that can log onto Google Earth . . I knew I was right!

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