Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tacos are a driving hazard . . .

With the recent law in Washington State that bans the use of cell phones while driving I strongly believe the following items also should be added as an addendum (for Oregon too) . .

Tacos - should not be eaten while driving. Taco Bell should post warning labels on their bags. As you are well aware nobody can bite into a taco without turning their head completely sideways. If you attempt to eat the hardshelled variety while only holding it with one hand (other on the steering wheel - we hope) 90 percent of it's contents drop into your lap. Then the distraction is picking lettuce, cheese, tomatoes and taco meat out of your crouch and lap. How has the government allowed this to happen?

Coffee to go from Espresso stands/Plaid Pantry/7Eleven's , etc - never fails that you start driving down the road, pick up your coffee to take a drink and the flimsy plastic lid hasn't been secured tightly. Hence, coffee spills down the front of your shirt and most times painfully burns your lap. Serious driving distraction. This would also apply to any of the BIG gulp drinks (20oz +), you know the ones that take 2 hands to lift in and out of the drink holder, same problems just cold drink instead of hot one.

Newpaper/Maps/Books - Reading with your steering wheel as your lap desk can be fatal. Many times I have witnessed people - while driving, not at a stop - apparently driving is boring them.

Animals on laps - EXCUSE ME!! what can be more distracting than a dog bouncing all over the inside of a car and onto the drivers lap?? To poke it's head outside the drivers window with it's ears flapping in the wind. I don't get it . . hmmmm...cell on lap???

Personal hygiene procedures - Brushing your teeth, flossing, putting on your makeup, shaving, all while looking in either the rearview mirror or visor mirror above the steering wheel. This also includes NOSE PICKING! People, people, people don't you get it we are ALL watching . .

iPods - MP3 players - if you can't have a cell phone to your ear, then you shouldn't have anything else in your ears either.

Bagels & Cream Cheese - OK, today as God is my witness here is what I saw. A lady driving down highway 26 into Portland, on the top of the steering wheel in one hand she is holding a bagel, in the other hand a knife. The heel of her palms and upper wrist are driving the car. She is spreading cream cheese on her bagel!! I am passing her in the left lane as I glance over to see this happening. Spreading cream cheese on bagels should be against the law while driving!

CD's - looking for a CD and inserting it into the player is the number one reason I drift off the road. First, I have to find the CD case, it's usually buried under the seat on the passenger side. So I have to duck down (just for a little while as I drive) to locate it. Then I have to browse through the selections, flipping the pages in the case until I spot the CD I want to play (while I'm driving), then I carefully take it out and insert it into the player. Oh cool, as I put the case back on the floor I notice a coupon I didn't see earlier. Need to check the expiration date . . . it's sooo tiny I can't hardly read it!!! Oops, guess I'm getting a little close to that guy in front of me, well geezzz . . he could at least be going the speed limit!

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