Sunday, September 23, 2007

Athletic Secretary - Top 20 List

As I enter the parking lot, pull in and lock my vehicle, head into the front doors of the school and unlock the office, I turn on the lights, open my bottom drawer and put my purse away, sit down...and it begins. The top 20 questions asked everyday, multiple times a day, by any number of teenagers at FGHS....
Welcome to my world . . . . .
always preceeded by... "Hey, Mrs. C " . . .
20. What happened to your Beavs this weekend?
19. Is this where I pick up my Varsity Letter?
18. What schedule are we on today?
17. When is the bell going to ring?
16. Does Andy have a girlfriend?
15. Are you always on the phone?
14. What would Mr. Thompson do without you?
13. Go Ducks! (only the awnry kids say this)
12. Are you always on the computer?
11. Can you chaperone the dance this Friday?
10. Are you coming to my game tonight?
9. Has anybody turned in an iPod to the Lost and Found?
8. What time does our bus leave today?
7. How do you think the BEAVS will do this weekend?
6. Can I get a key to the ice room?
5. Do you have any bandaids?
4. Do you have any tampons? (always in a whisper)
3. Are you always here?
2. Can I sign up to be your assistant?
and the number one question . .
1. Where is Mr. Thompson?


Anonymous said...

Go Ducks!

Anonymous said...

Number 16 ...The answer is yes :)

The office was so funny last night! Glad we got to watch it with you!
