When money is not an issue . . .
People do crazy things. A conversation piped up in our office the other day (when no kids were present) about the demise of the Governor of New York following his recent infidelities involving an "escort" (pleeeessse..she's a hooker) from the prestigious (they even used that word on CNN) Emperors Club Escort Service. Why oh why do they try to make it sound anything more than it is? A freaking whore house with prostitutes available 24/7. As one person (male) mentioned the other day, "I don't mean to sound ...aaahhh......unappreciative, but there is nothing a woman could do for me that I would pay $5,000 - $8000 a night for!"..oh really..would you pay $100 for it? No, not when you can get it for free"...hmmmm??. Well, it's all in perspective as to what your salary is as well as your "Ricko Swauve" way with women I suppose. These high and mighty egomaniac politicians are primarily paying for discretion I'm sure. Which obviously did not work in the case of Elliot Spitzer. How pathetic of his wife to stand by his side as he resigns his post, her face stone cold sober, why did she do that to herself? Why would any woman put up with that? I guess that's why I have a real Hillary Clinton problem, I have no respect for the woman. Her husband completely and totally publicly humilated himself and her with his tryst. She looked the other way because of her career and her husband. Marriage is based on trust, when that has been violated (because either party chose of their free will to bonk somebody else) well, I'm sorry counseling or no counseling, minister intervention or a call from the Pope, it's over period.
I am pretty sure if women ran the world things like this would just never happen.
@alia Baaahahahahahahahhahaaa
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