Books for everything . . that too!
This weekend we stopped by for a quick hello at our son and daughter-in-laws house. They were babysitting our other grandson for the evening so we thought great!! visit 2 grandbabies in a single visit. Nicole started telling me about a book her sister sent her for Lucas, it's called "Everyone Poops".
It's a children's book about you got it . . poop. I thumbed through it and oh my gawd . . it cracked me up, it explains that animals poop (shows the pile size in relation to the animal) and adults and kids poop too! Food goes in and poop comes out. It was hilarious actually. Apparently, there is a whole market of children's books about poop. "Where's the Poop?", "Who Pooped in the Park?" "The Truth about Poop", "Who Pooped in the Zoo". . . oh there are many more!! I'm sure the intent is that if children read about poop, they won't be scared and will want to do it to!! I mentioned that the first signs of them knowing that they are pooping in their pants and they shouldn't be is they begin to hide someplace to do it. And almost at that very moment who should appear from behind the vertical blinds with a big smile and loaded diaper!!! Lucas Clifford!!!!!!
1 comment:
My loving daughter bought and personally hand carried 1/2 way around the world for my reading pleasure this book...
It's awesome and highly recommend it for anyone wishing to know more about the wonders of poo.
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